Physical Health Michael Shafer Physical Health Michael Shafer

Why Pastors Should Prioritize Their Physical Health

It's a well-known fact that the demands of pastoral ministry can be all-consuming. Between sermon preparation, counseling sessions, church administration, and community outreach, pastors often find themselves working long hours, sacrificing sleep, and putting their own needs on the back burner. In this whirlwind of activity, physical health can easily become an afterthought.

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Emotional Health, Physical Health Allies Network Partner Emotional Health, Physical Health Allies Network Partner

So, Where Did all of this Pain, Stress, and Trauma come from?

It's no secret that our world is hurting. Research article after research article continue to highlight an overall decline in mental health, significant increases in stress, and one story of pain and violence after another. Looking at pain is heavy--and I'm sure it's a place that you find yourself often as you engage the ministry that God has placed before you.

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